The Institute for Local Self-Reliance is a national nonprofit organization with a mission to provide innovative strategies, working models and timely information to support...
Just Roots works to increase access to healthy, local food by connecting people, land, resources and know-how. As the largest provider of farm shares to SNAP-enrolled, low-income...
NRDC’s Food Matters initiative partners with cities to achieve significant food waste reductions within five years through a comprehensive set of policies and programs. Its tools...
Boston Area Gleaners rescues surplus farm crops for people in need. By working closely with local farms and volunteers, it bridges a gap in the food system and connects hunger...
Philabundance is the Philadelphia region’s largest food collection/distribution program, providing food to member agencies in nine core counties of the Delaware Valley. It collects...
ReFED is an action-oriented, solutions-driven nonprofit working with leaders from across the food system to reduce food waste in the United States. It released an in-depth, first...
Founded in 2001, The Campus Kitchens Project exists on campuses nationwide. At Campus Kitchens, student leaders are teaming up with their university administration, community...
The Center for EcoTechnology (CET) jumpstarts the development of a policy agenda and marketplace for innovative food waste diversion efforts in the commercial and institutional...
The mission of CommonWealth Kitchen (CWK) is to build a just, equitable, resilient regional economy. It builds viable food-based businesses as a means to generate assets and wealth...
The Drexel University Food Lab has been an effective partner to manufacturers, distributors, retailers and non-profits in making value-added products from surplus foods. It trains...