Regina Northouse, Executive Director of Critical Issue Fund grantee organization Food Recovery Network, was recently interviewed on the At The Table podcast. The podcast tells stories from the “front lines of a sustainable, accessible, inclusive food system.” Listen to Regina’s interview here.
Leah Penniman, co-director and program manager of Emerging Leaders Fund grantee organization Soul Fire Farm, was recently profiled in Modern Farmer magazine. The feature article, entitled Black Land Matters, focuses on African American farmers and the food sovereignty movement. Read the article here.
Maya Van Rossum of Community Fund grantee organization Delaware Riverkeeper Network was recently interviewed on WHYY’s Radio Times. Van Rossum talked about her new book, A Green Amendment: Securing Our Right to a Healthy Envionment. Listen to the interview here.
Leah Lizarondo, Executive Director of Critical Issue Fund grantee organization 412 Food Rescue, wrote an op-ed for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette about the importance of food programs during the summer for school-age children. Read the op-ed here.
Emerging Leaders Fund grantee organization Public Lab was recently hailed as a national model by The Economist. Public Lab’s work was also profiled in the Stanford Social Innovation Journal. The organization, which is led by Shannon Dosemagen, advocates a culture of “civic science,” in which scientists take active roles as citizens and citizens engage with scientific research more deeply.
Lauren Fine, co-founder of Emerging Leaders Fund grantee organization Youth Sentencing and Reentry Project is quoted alongside other juvenile justice reform advocates in this recent Generocity.org article focusing on the lack of educational opportunities for formerly incarcerated young people in Philadelphia.
The work of Community Fund grantee organization Trust for Public Land was recently featured by WHYY. The Trust’s Parks for People program recently revitalized two vacant city lots into playgrounds using gardens, trees and student-designed green infrastructure that utilizes stormwater and reduces flooding and pollution. Read the WHYY article here.