Over 350 food pantries participated in a survey conducted by food relief agencies, and Claneil grantee organizations, Coalition Against Hunger, SHARE and Philabundance, and the key findings have recently been released.
The 2017 Southeastern Pennsylvania Food Pantry Coordinator Survey was designed to explore the needs of food pantries across the region. The survey sought to find out what pantries need to keep their doors open and their participants healthy, what their current challenges and strengths are, as well as basic information such as their operating hours.
Key findings from the survey are that food pantries in Southeastern PA want to be able to give out healthy foods (72% want fresh vegetables); food pantries need infrastructure support to serve their communities better (47% said they need freezers or refrigerators to store fresh foods that their participants need), and food pantries see great value in working together more effectively (53% are interested in collaborating with partners to raise funds).
Click below to download a copy of the report.