This organization seeks to create a culture of health by teaching kids the cognitive skills to think clearly, the expressive skills to write with clarity, and the emotional skills of resilience, conscientiousness and openness. Considered a leading after-school literacy program in Philadelphia, Mighty Writers serves families in eight locations and teaches 3,300 students with the help of over 600 active volunteers. Several sites offer bi-lingual services. Programs are developed through evidence-based best practices for “writing across the curriculum” education, which are proven to support students’ academic advancement, college/job placement, and essential critical thinking processes. Students are consistently demonstrating improved skills, and 67% of Afterschool Academy students and 87% of Teen Scholars students reach grade-level proficiency in one year. All Mighty Writers’ students graduate high school, and 97% matriculate in college. Mighty Writers teaches children to think clearly and supports students’ health and well-being by offering mindfulness techniques as part of the curriculum. A Director of Mindfulness and a Mindfulness Program Manager develop a curriculum, provide staff training, and lead trauma-informed workshops at all program sites.